Monthly Archives: August 2018
Honey can help improve cold symptoms
Winter is just around the corner and with it the dreaded cold & flu season. We have all heard taking “a hot drink of honey and lemon” (& ginger) will help to ease a sore throat and offer some relief … Continue reading
Published in Health Interlink News
Low-carb diets could shorten life (BBC News)
A study, published in ‘The Lancet Public Health’ suggests a low-carb diet could shorten life expectancy by up to four years. Low Carb diets are very popular for weight loss, such as the Atkins. However a US study over 25 … Continue reading
Published in Health Interlink News
Eat more greens (BBC News)
Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have discovered why some vegetables – including cabbage, broccoli and kale – can reduce the risk of bowel cancers. Anti-cancer chemicals were produced as the vegetables were digested. The work focused on how vegetables … Continue reading
Published in Health Interlink News