With summer now dwindling, and the holiday binging that comes with it fading into the past. The time has never been better to start the process of reclaiming your body and mind with our 5 key reasons you should detox.
Detox is probably one of the hottest topics at the moment,and for some it is no longer a luxury but a necessity to survive in the toxic world we now live . Exposure to toxins in the environment and in the foods we eat has lead to a reduced ability for our bodies to detox naturally causing TOXIC OVERLOAD.
Whilst most of us are aware that cleansing the outside of our bodies is necessary, cleansing and detoxifying the inside is just as important.
Here are Health Interlinks top 5 reasons for detoxifying your body
- Boost your energy and Vitality.
One of the most common daily occurrences for many of us is fatigue, poor memory and low energy, when we Detox excess toxins are from our organs and eliminated so the body can focus its energy towards regeneration and repair of damaged cells. This allows the body to recharge itself so you notice energy levels are heightened and that ‘Foggy Brain’ disappears. Mental Clarity is a very underrated benefit of a good Detox. - look after your Immune System.
Adrenal burnout, nutritional deficiencies, impaired digestion and probably the biggest culprit of all Stress, all contribute to a compromised immune system. This makes us vulnerable to diseases and infection, and affects our body’s ability to deal with them. Regular detoxing will slowly help rebuild your Immune System so aiding its natural response to illness and disease. - Recurrent Bloating.
Today’s fast lifestyle means that very often we grab something to eat on the run, this leads to us making unhealthy food choices which do not contain not enough healthy nutrients and far to many fats, sugars and carbohydrates. Over a period of time this will lead to bloating and a sluggish gut. When we Detox we eliminate inflammatory foods and toxins and our body receives the beneficial nutrition and antioxidants (oxidative inhibitors) required for a healthy digestive tract. - Premature Ageing.
Diet and environmental toxins undeniably affect our skin, initially when detoxing skin conditions may worsen as some excess toxins may be excreted through the skin. However eventually it will improve giving you that natural healthy glow we all crave. Remember our skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside our bodies, to look good on the outside start with the inside! - Weight Loss.
As well as all the main reasons we may chose to Detox, weight loss can be an added bonus, Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure are all associated with excess weight. Good Detox protocols will help eliminate toxins from fat cells and reduce cortisol levels.Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the Adrenal glands when we are under stress whether it be physically or emotionally, but the presence of to much cortisol in the body over a prolonged period of time can, increase visceral body fat. Visceral body fat is the fat around our organs that protect them, too much of this can result in increased abdominal fat which we all know is not good for us.

Get in touch and begin your detox today!
If you require more information or to discuss your next step on a detox regimen contact us, we are more than happy to help. You may wish to look at our supplements online specifically our Oxidative Inhibitors, Proteins and our extensive Friendly Microflora range.